What are some billion-dollar startup ideas?
Finding the perfect billion-dollar app is like coming up with a billion-dollar business idea. Here is a list of things you can do to find that idea.
Solve the problem
This is probably the best way to find an idea. Look for annoyances or problems in the world. Where most of the world is desperate, look for these as opportunities for new companies. When your day is over and you hear people complaining about something, write it down so that you can see it later and come up with some solutions.
Make the cheapest choice
The cheapest option in business is always 100% of the time, people naturally tend to take the cheapest option. When you are living your life, look for things that you can price higher and think about how you can get it cheaper.
Get ready for an idea
The best ideas often come to you in the most unpredictable moments. Always be ready for the idea, have something to write down, such as phone notes or pen that you can save that idea. Your subconscious is always at work and comes up with things in seconds at random times. I had the idea of starting a Rob Journal when I was switching to tennis practice.
Give yourself time
The million-dollar app idea may not come to you right away, it will take time. To find the idea you have to constantly think about it and see the world around you with a new pair of eyes. Do not despair or disturb yourself, you should give yourself time to surface there.
Look on social media for issues
I’m sure you know a lot, and I want to complain about social media. Use their grievances by looking at what is an acceptable solution. This is a good way to find problems in the world. See bad reviews on Amazon products and see what makes the customer happy.
Find out what people want to learn
Knowledge is the most important tool in the world. Find what you know others want to know. People are willing to spend money to gain knowledge. Search the keyword “how” on the Internet and see what you know that can teach others, even on Twitter.